It's really pretty simple when it comes to blogging and your "brand". Things like color, things like a tag line, things like profile photos... all those things create a BRAND.
Even here, on this blog, I've chosen colors and a scheme that is more simple than, but mimics the colors I have on my main blog. So that when people click to view my tutorials, they know they are still in MY world.
According to Wikipedia, A good brand name should:
- be easy to pronounce
- be easy to remember
- be easy to recognize
- be easy to translate into all languages in the markets where the brand will be used
- attract attention
- be attractive
- stand out among a group of other brands
Some areas that you might brand yourself on line.
- Your Blog's Title Try making it catchy, a play on words, or simply easy to remember. Some blogger's use their names. The key is, you want people to be able to TALK about you easily. The easier it is for them to mention you to a friend, and give your blog title without a pen and paper, the better. The same applies to your Blog's URL.
- Your Signature line This can be a saying or line that you always have at the end of your posts... maybe your signature. I have both.
- Colors on your blog. Use the same colors, in your fonts, and banners... even if the banner changes, keep the colors similar, or have the same photo on it.
- Profile photos. USE YOUR FACE. People want to know YOU. Using your face on your blog profile photo, on message boards, on forums, will all work to help you gain a recognizable face. Even better if you use the SAME photo in all those places.
- Picking a "theme" for all your blog sections. (on mine, I liked the idea of having peeps cheep, when they left a comment, so I ran with the chicken/farm/coop theme.
Think about things before they go on your blog.
Some things that distract from a good brand, and leave people feeling like you may be "just a stay at home mom"
- Dated or FAD templates. Stay away from dated or "fad" looking elements unless that date is one that is part of your branding strategy. Blogger isn't MySpace. Having a blog that looks like that's where it belongs may turn readers away.
- Too many blinkies and buttons and THINGS going on. That's not to say you can't have great links, and other things on your blog, BUT think about what brands from OTHER people you want to allow to take up visual space. If it's just an idea you love, or another's blog that you like, you may be better off to simply place a LINK rather than an image link (or blog button) The fact is, that sites with blinkies available to you, are really more interested in the LINK from your blog to their area of the web that they are about the fact that you didn't use the image they provided.
- Un organized sidebars. It's very distracting when a reader comes to read your blog, if your sidebar isn't organized. If you have your profile in an "odd" area, or if you have no rhyme or reason to how things are listed in your link lists. Take advantage of blogger's options to edit your gadgets in your sidebar. Use the SORT ALPHABETICALLY option, or organize by importance to YOU by using the up/down arrows in the edit mode to move newly added items to their place in your lists. Make your lists in an organized fashion. Simply listing EVERYTHING on the web that you love isn't a great way to get other's to look where you'd like them to. Create SECTIONS of links... blogs I read, sites I get inspiration from, sites I'm a member of, shops I shop at. That sort of thing.
- Headers that are poorly photographed. EDIT EDIT EDIT, folks!! It's very easy to crop the edges of a header, so that your carpet doesn't show around the edges. It's very easy to wait until day time, and take a clear, crisp photo in the natural light. Not taking the time to do so, tells your reader that you might take the same haphazard approach to other things. Like blogging.
© Rachel Whetzel Please do not use content or images without written permissions.
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